iPERF3 SERVER LIST is a list of public iPERF3 servers to perform bandwidth and speedtests across different geographical regions.

iPERF3 is a free and open source cross-platform command-line tool used for checking network performance in terms of bandwidth and speed. It is a highly reliable tool in comparison to the many network bandwidth and speed testing tools. In addition, it is a very effective tool when testing for network performance between two (2) servers.

All listed servers are monitored.
Servers with an uptime of 90% or less in 30 days will be removed from this list.

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iperf3 -c Copy icon -R,-6 10 DZ DZ Algiers Africa DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R,-6 10 EG EG Cairo Africa DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R,-6 2x10 GN GN Accra Africa DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R,-6 2x10 GN GN Accra Africa DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R GQ GQ Bata Africa Guineanet
iperf3 -c speedtestfl.telecom.mu -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R MU MU Floreal Africa Mauritius Telecom
iperf3 -c speedtest.telecom.mu -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R MU MU Port Louis Africa Mauritius Telecom
iperf3 -c -p 9200-9240 Copy icon -R TN TN Tunis Africa Orange.tn
iperf3 -c -p 9202-9240 Copy icon -R TN TN Tunis Africa Topnet
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R,-6 2x10 UG UG Kampala Africa DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 ZA ZA Johannesburg Africa DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 HK HK Hong Kong Asia DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.hkg12.hk.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 HK HK Hong Kong Asia LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c -p 5201-5230 Copy icon -R ID ID Jakarta Asia SNT
iperf3 -c speedtest.myrepublic.net.id -p 9200-9240 Copy icon -R ID ID Jakarta Asia MyRepublic
iperf3 -c speed.netfiber.net.il Copy icon -R 1 IL IL Jerusalem Asia Netfiber
iperf3 -c speed.rimon.net.il Copy icon -R 1 IL IL Jerusalem Asia Rimon
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 IL IL Tel Aviv Asia DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c lg-in-mum.webhorizon.net Copy icon -R,-6 10 IN IN Mumbai Asia WebHorizon
iperf3 -c forough.iperf3.ir -o 5201-5209 Copy icon -R 10 IR IR Shiraz Asia Arvancloud
iperf3 -c bamdad.iperf3.ir -p 5208 Copy icon -R,-6 10 IR IR Teheran Asia ArvanCloud
iperf3 -c shahriar.iperf3.ir -p 5207 Copy icon -R,-6 10 IR IR Teheran Asia ArvanCloud
iperf3 -c simin.iperf3.ir -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 IR IR Teheran Asia ArvanCloud
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 JP JP Tokyo Asia DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.tyo11.jp.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 JP JP Tokyo Asia LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R KZ KZ Aktau Asia
iperf3 -c iperf.myren.net.my -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R MY MY Kuala Lumpur Asia MYREN
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 SG SG Singapore Asia DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c sgp.proof.ovh.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 1 SG SG Singapore Asia OVH
iperf3 -c speedtest.sin1.sg.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 SG SG Singapore Asia LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.singnet.com.sg -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R SG SG Singapore Asia Singnet
iperf3 -c -p 9200-9240 Copy icon -R TH TH Phitsanulok Asia psru
iperf3 -c -p 9200-9240 Copy icon -R TH TH Phitsanulok Asia Pibul University
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 TR TR Istanbul Asia DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.uztelecom.uz -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 UZ UZ Tashkent Asia UZ Telecom
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 AT AT Vienna Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c lg.vie.alwyzon.net -p 5202-5203 Copy icon -R AT AT Vienna Europe alwyzon
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 BE BE Brussels Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 BG BG Sofia Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.shinternet.ch -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 CH CH Schaffhausen Europe Sasag
iperf3 -c speedtest.init7.net Copy icon -R,-6 20 CH CH Winterthur Europe Init7
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 CH CH Zürich Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.iway.ch Copy icon -R,-6 10 CH CH Zürich Europe iWay
iperf3 -c rychlost.poda.cz -p 5203-5205 Copy icon -R CZ CZ Mikulov Europe PODA
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 CZ CZ Prague Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c a110.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Berlin Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c a209.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Berlin Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c a208.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Düsseldorf Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c -p 9201-9240 Copy icon -R DE DE Frankfurt Europe Eseven
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 DE DE Frankfurt Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c a205.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Frankfurt Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c a210.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Frankfurt Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c fra.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 DE DE Frankfurt Europe Clouvider
iperf3 -c spd-desrv.hostkey.com -p 5201 Copy icon -R 10 DE DE Frankfurt Europe HOSTKEY
iperf3 -c speedtest.fra1.de.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 DE DE Frankfurt Europe LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.ip-projects.de Copy icon -R,-6 10 DE DE Frankfurt Europe IP Projects
iperf3 -c speedtest.wtnet.de -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 40 DE DE Norderstedt Europe wilhelm.tel
iperf3 -c a400.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Wolfsburg Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 DE DE Wolfsburg Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 DK DK Copenhagen Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speed.fiberby.dk -p 9201-9240 Copy icon -R,-6 10 DK DK Copenhagen Europe Fiberby
iperf3 -c speedtest.hiper.dk -p 5201-5203 Copy icon -R,-6 DK DK Copenhagen Europe Hiper
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 ES ES Madrid Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c spd-fisrv.hostkey.com -p 5201 Copy icon -R 10 FI FI Helsinki Europe HOSTKEY
iperf3 -c speedtest-hki.netplaza.fi Copy icon -R FI FI Helsinki Europe Cinia
iperf3 -c speedtest.cinia.fi Copy icon -R FI FI Oulu Europe Cinia
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 FR FR Marseille Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 FR FR Paris Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c iperf.online.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 100 FR FR Paris Europe Scaleway
iperf3 -c iperf3.moji.fr -p 5200-5240 Copy icon -R,-6 100 FR FR Paris Europe moji
iperf3 -c ping-90ms.online.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 100 FR FR Paris Europe Scaleway
iperf3 -c proof.ovh.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 FR FR Paris Europe OVH
iperf3 -c ping.online.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 100 FR FR Vitry-sur-Seine Europe Scaleway
iperf3 -c scaleway.testdebit.info -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 FR FR Vitry-sur-Seine Europe Scaleway
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 GB GB London Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c iperf.as42831.net -p 5300-5400 Copy icon -R GB GB London Europe UK Servers
iperf3 -c lon.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 GB GB London Europe Cloudvider
iperf3 -c speedtest.lon1.uk.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 GB GB London Europe LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.lon12.uk.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 GB GB London Europe LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 GR GR Athens Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 HR HR Zagreb Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest1.vodafone.hu Copy icon -R 1 HU HU Budapest Europe Vodafone
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 IR IR Dublin Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c spd-icsrv.hostkey.com -p 5201 Copy icon -R 10 IS IS Reykjavik Europe HOSTKEY
iperf3 -c it1.speedtest.aruba.it Copy icon -R IT IT Arezzo Europe Aruba.it
iperf3 -c speed.itgate.net -p 5201-5202 Copy icon -R,-6 IT IT Gerbido Europe IT GATE
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 IT IT Milan Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R IT IT Ponte San Pietro Europe Aruba.it
iperf3 -c speedtest.lu.buyvm.net Copy icon -R,-6 LU LU Bissen Europe BuyVM
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 NL NL Amsterdam Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c a204.speedtest.wobcom.de Copy icon -R,-6 2x25 NL NL Amsterdam Europe WOBCOM
iperf3 -c ams.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 NL NL Amsterdam Europe Clouvider
iperf3 -c iperf-ams-nl.eranium.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 100 NL NL Amsterdam Europe Eranium
iperf3 -c lg.ams-nl.terrahost.com -p 9201-9240 Copy icon -R,-6 NL NL Amsterdam Europe TerraHost
iperf3 -c ping-ams1.online.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R 10 NL NL Amsterdam Europe Scaleway
iperf3 -c speedtest.ams1.nl.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 NL NL Amsterdam Europe LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.ams1.novogara.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 20 NL NL Amsterdam Europe Novogara
iperf3 -c speedtest.ams2.nl.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 NL NL Amsterdam Europe LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.macarne.com Copy icon -R,-6 100 NL NL Amsterdam Europe Macarne
iperf3 -c speedtest.nl3.mirhosting.net -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 40 NL NL Amsterdam Europe Mirhosting
iperf3 -c speedtest.novoserve.com -p 5201-5206 Copy icon -R,-6 40 NL NL Amsterdam Europe NovoServe
iperf3 -c lg-drn.liteserver.nl -p 5200-5240 Copy icon -R 1 NL NL Dronten Europe LiteServer
iperf3 -c speedtest.nl1.mirhosting.net -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 40 NL NL Dronten Europe Mirhosting
iperf3 -c iperf.worldstream.nl Copy icon -R,-6 10 NL NL Naaldwijk Europe Worldstream
iperf3 -c lg.gigahost.no -p 9201-9240 Copy icon -R,-6 100 NO NO Sandefjord Europe Gigahost
iperf3 -c lg.terrahost.com -p 9200-9240 Copy icon -R,-6 10 NO NO Sandefjord Europe Terrahost
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 PL PL Warsaw Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest-w5-rnp.play.pl Copy icon -R PL PL Warsaw Europe PLAY
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 PT PT Lisbon Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c lisboa.speedtest.net.zon.pt -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 PT PT Lisbon Europe NOS
iperf3 -c porto.speedtest.net.zon.pt -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 PT PT Porto Europe NOS
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 RO RO Bucharest Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest1.sox.rs -p 9201-9240 Copy icon -R,-6 10 RS RS Belgrade Europe SOX
iperf3 -c speedtest.kamel.network -p 5201-5205 Copy icon -R,-6 1 SE SE Kista Europe Kamel Networks
iperf3 -c speedtest.cityhost.se -p 5201 Copy icon -R,-6 100 SE SE Stockholm Europe CityHost
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 SE SE Stockholm Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.ownit.se Copy icon -R 1 SE SE Stockholm Europe Ownit
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 SK SK Bratislava Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 UA UA Kyiv Europe DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.solver.net.ua Copy icon -R UA UA Poltava Europe Conbed
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 BR BR São Paulo Latin America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.sao1.edgoo.net -p 9204-9240 Copy icon -R,-6 BR BR São Paulo Latin America as47787.net
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 CL CL Santiago Latin America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c sp11.wom.cl Copy icon CL CL Santiago Latin America WOM
iperf3 -c speedtest-cncp.grupogtd.com -p 5201-5205 Copy icon -R,-6 10 CL CL Valdivia Latin America GTD
iperf3 -c -p 55200-55300 Copy icon -R 10 CO CO Bogotá Latin America Movistar
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 CO CO Bogotá Latin America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 CR CR San Jose Latin America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.masnet.ec -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 1 EC EC Santa Ana Latin America MásNet
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 MX MX Querétaro Latin America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c -p 5201-5213 Copy icon -R SR SR Paramaribo Latin America Telesur
iperf3 -c bhs.proof.ovh.ca -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 CA CA Beauharnois North America OVH
iperf3 -c speedtest-west.eastlink.ca Copy icon -R 10 CA CA Chestermere North America eastlink
iperf3 -c speedtest.mtl2.ca.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 CA CA Montreal North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c as21723.goco.ca -p 9200-9240 Copy icon -R CA CA Montréal North America goco
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 CA CA Toronto North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Ashburn North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c ash.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Ashburn North America Clouvider
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Atlanta North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c atl.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Atlanta North America Clouvider
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Boston North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest13.suddenlink.net Copy icon -R 10 US US Charleston North America Optimum
iperf3 -c speedtest15.suddenlink.net Copy icon -R 10 US US Charleston North America Optimum
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Chicago North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.chi11.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Chicago North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Dallas North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c dal.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R 10 US US Dallas North America Clouvider
iperf3 -c speedtest.dal13.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Dallas North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Denver North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Houston North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Los Angeles North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c la.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R 10 US US Los Angeles North America Clouvider
iperf3 -c speedtest.lax12.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Los Angeles North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.tds.net Copy icon -R US US Madison North America TDS
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Miami North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.mia11.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Miami North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US New York North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c spd-uswb.hostkey.com -p 5201-5202 Copy icon -R 10 US US New York North America HOSTKEY
iperf3 -c nyc.speedtest.clouvider.net -p 5200-5209 Copy icon -R 10 US US New York City North America Clouvider
iperf3 -c speedtest.nyc1.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US New York City North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.phx1.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Phoenix North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.sfo12.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US San Francisco North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 US US Seattle North America DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c speedtest.sea11.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Seattle North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c speedtest.is.cc -p 5201-5209 Copy icon -R,-6 40 US US Secaucus North America InterServer
iperf3 -c speedtest.wdc2.us.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 US US Washington North America LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 AU AU Sydney Oceania DATAPACKET
iperf3 -c -p 5202 Copy icon -R AU AU Sydney Oceania OPTUS
iperf3 -c -p 5202 Copy icon -R AU AU Sydney Oceania OPTUS
iperf3 -c speedtest.syd12.au.leaseweb.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 10 AU AU Sydney Oceania LeaseWeb
iperf3 -c syd.proof.ovh.net -p 5201-5210 Copy icon -R,-6 1 AU AU Sydney Oceania OVH
iperf3 -c techspeedtest.bla.optusnet.com.au -p 5202-5203 Copy icon -R AU AU Sydney Oceania OPTUS
iperf3 -c akl.linetest.nz -p 5300-5309 Copy icon -R 10 NZ NZ Auckland Oceania 2Degrees
iperf3 -c chch.linetest.nz -p 5300-5309 Copy icon -R 10 NZ NZ Christchurch Oceania 2Degrees
iperf3 -c Copy icon -R 2x10 PG PG Port Moresby Oceania DATAPACKET